Monthly Archives: July 2011

Happy Shark Week!

In celebration of shark week, here are some beautiful character designs by Carter Goodrich, from his work on Finding Nemo. So have a happy shark week, and make sure to visit Goodrich’s website during the commercial break!

Mattias Adolfsson: Part Three

More from the ever-prolific Mattias Adolfsson.

Grady McFerrin

Posters by Grady McFerrin

{via all the mountains…}

Lorenzo Duran

Leaf cut-outs by Lorenzo Duran.

{via Kathy Akey}

Andreas Deja

Samples from Andreas Deja’s animal sketchbook. And if you  haven’t been over to his blog yet, you’re not doing yourself any favors. He has continued to post wonderful material from Disney’s Nine Old Men and other classic artists, as well as some of his own work (such as the wonderful drawings above as well as this hilarious pencil test) Go!

Brian Scott Camptbell

Drawings by Brian Scott Campbell.

{via Hard Feelings}