Monthly Archives: August 2011

Adara Sanchez Anguiano

Drawings by Adara Sanchez Anguiano. I was just checking the life drawing schedule for the weeks, and these drawings doubled my enthusiasm. I love the loose, almost effortless, quality to the lines. I will definitely be looking again before my next life drawing session.

{via Kathy Akey}

John Canemaker

Watercolors by  John Canemaker. This blog has always been an archive of artists that inspire me, and I could never complete such a list without including John Canemaker. He is a personal hero of mine, and I am forever indebted to him for such genuine inspiration. Go read his books! Watch his films! (And if you go to NYU – absolutely take his classes)

{via Michael Sporn’s Splog – many more paintings to be found!}

Kelsey Oseid’s new Etsy

I posted about Kelsey‘s state bird project back in May. Since then, she has been busy adding states to the series and even starting an Etsy shop to sell the prints! Personally, I think they’d make great gifts for many occasions (know someone going away to college in the fall?) Go take a look!