Tag Archives: design

Grady McFerrin

Posters by Grady McFerrin

{via all the mountains…}

50 Watts Polish Book Cover Contest

50 Watts just held a book cover contest in which participants were challenged to design the “Polish edition” of their favorite book. Directly above is the winning book cover designed by Ben Jones.

I like this contest idea for many reasons, but mostly because everyone got to choose their own book. You can tell that participants have chosen books that mean something to them, books that they know. The resulting entries are energetic and exciting. I highly recommend taking a look at the rest of the book covers (winners posted here; all entries posted on flickr here) Major props to 50 Watts and to everyone who submitted!

{the artists from top to bottom: Agnes Legowiecka, Andrew Evan Harner, Elena Giavaldi, Ted Houghtaling,  and once again Ben Jones}

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Kelsey Oseid

My lovely friend Kelsey made these! Each state is illustrated according to the feather pattern found on the state bird, and the result is so so pretty! Check out both her website and her tumblr for more.

Eungi Kim

Horsey‘ by Eungi Kim. Quite possibly the funniest bike I’ve ever seen.

Carl Kleiner

Carl Kleiner just helped to design Ikea’s new cookbook. I love the ingredients pages.

(between this and the last post, I might just be hungry.)

The Land of Giants

Alex just sent me these pictures, and wow wow wow I wish they were real.  They were submitted as a part of an Icelandic contest to design new electrical pylons. They won an honorable mention but no first prize…so alas…unbuilt.

But ooh these would look amazing in Iceland.


Beautiful Toast

I want my toast to look like this.

two things I like

I love this print by Judy Kaufman (also the first page of her website is great)

and this Feist poster by Dan Padavic (thanks to the comment below!)

Celebrity Teabags

So I don’t usually post about things like this….

but these teabags crack me up so much that I’m doing it anyways.

Yellena James

I’ve posted about Yellena James before, but I was been wildly uninspired today, and looking at her work helped quite a bit. So I decided to post about her again. She  just collaborated with Schoolhouse Electric Co. to make the lights shown below and is currently designing some Keds. Need to get my hands on a poster immediately.