Tag Archives: paper cuts

Lorenzo Duran

Leaf cut-outs by Lorenzo Duran.

{via Kathy Akey}

Simone Lourenco

Paper cuts by Simone Lourenco.

Elsa Mora

I love paper sculptures and papercuts, and Elsa Mora’s are fantastic. 

Mandy Smith

(keep in mind these are all made of paper:)

“In a slightly expanded nutshell I enjoy being creative. I have a great passion for challenges, which probably explains my interest in both maths and art, and love any project where I can get truly stuck in. This has so far included advertising, film, product design and extreme paper cutting.” – Mandy Smith

Also! Julene Harrison

Julene Harrison papercut

OH man.  Is this stuff by Julene Harrison awesome or WHAT.  (Plus I love the saying, ha ha!)

[This is a Kelsey, again.]